Online Resources
Are You Registered to Vote? For assistance with registering in New York State, click here ...
Access NYC is a free service that helps you find out if you may qualify for over 30 City, State and Federal benefit programs. For more information click here...
NYC Service promotes volunteerism, engages New Yorkers in service, builds volunteer capacity and mobilizes the power of volunteers and service year members to impact NYC's greatest needs. For more information click here...
The Department of Education (DOE) has schools, programs, and supports that can help you earn the credits you need to graduate middle school, earn a high school diploma, or earn a technical degree if a tradition school setting is not the best option for you. For more information click here...

At IACRL, we aspire to build and support the community by creating community leaders dedicated to service. Join the IACRL family by volunteering. Be apart of the change you want to see. Please contact Ms. Vicki Cursare (iacrl1@aol.com) for more information.
311 is New York City's main source of government information and non-emergency services. Whether you're a resident, business owner, or visitor, help is just a click, text, or call away. For more information click here...
Dedicated to improving information and communication in the health and social service fields at the community level. For more information click here...
Workforce1 is a service provided by the NYC Department of Small Business that prepares and connects qualified candidates to job opportunities in NYC. For more information, click here...
The Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) promotes the well-being of immigrant communities. For more information click here...